Pictures: Nepali Master class; Hunting for evening light; Base Camp downtime; Nightime Base Camp
Last night was the first clearish night we have had so far and with the moon nearly full, we were outside till late receiving a master class in nightime photography from Dave.
Today was another reasonable weather day with plenty of sun up high, but alas low cloud plagued BC which wasn't so good for sunbathing or charging the batteries from the solar panels.
We trotted back up to the snowline where we have a load of gear stashed to check out the snow conditions, and the sun has done a good job at encouraging all the fresh snow to disappear and if we get a good frost tonight, we should be able to quickly gain our ABC on the East Ridge.
From there we will dig in to the ridge, and providing all is well we will probably stay the night in our new home, and quest along the east ridge towards the crux headwall the next day.
Great pic of the tent at night with the east ridge behind. Enjoying the photos guys. Is that West you are still reading Nick? : )